
Showing posts from 2011



First Visitor

I finally got my first visitor!  After the 2 lolas who actually stayed with us during my first few days and my yaya   I got my first visitor last September 21. Tita  L had a meeting at Ortigas , she thought of dropping by.  She brought my cousin's  baby clothes!  They were all pretty,  can't wait to dress up.



Look Alikes

Mommy's Kalbong Copy! Daddy's hair and smile :)

One Month Comix

ONE SEPTEMBER MORNING..   Dad :Good Morning BBB,   Do you know what day is it today? BBB : Huh?  What! Dad :It’s your 1 month birthday! BBB : I am now 1 month old.. Hmm let me  see .. August.. Plus…   BBB : Really? 1 month!   Wow!  And I saw cake! BBB : Yummy. Yummy cake! BBB : I can’t wait to blow the candle.. I already know how to huff … BBB : and puff… Dad : Hey wait baby,  you can’t eat cake yet… we have prepared instead your bottle..   BBB : Whhhaaatt !  No cake for me L BBB : Wake me up after 6 months… hmmmphhh .  The End. Happy One Month BBB!


I am just 1 month plus days old and mommy notices a  lot of milestone moments,  these are some caught on  camera : sitting up like a big girl :)



Mommy's Birthday

September 26 was a stormy day just like 2 years  ago's   Ondoy  -- this time it's called  Pedring .    I woke together with mommy and we tried out some clothes to party! I had 3 costume changes,  lookit I got so fuzzy over the 3 rd change,  mommy promised she won’t take anymore pictures , she let me sleep  for a while ..

Dressing Up


My gleek birth

Mommy told me what happened the day she gave birth to me,  she woke up supposedly to go and stroll around the Mandaluyong circle,  her schedule for the days is just that,  no more work per the command of the OB-Gyn who she will visit today.. again as this will be the critical 2 weeks.  I needed to be monitored for my heartbeats,  mommy to be monitored for her BP. Oooops,  after changing to her jog clothes,  she bled. She woke up dad and lola l to tell them it's time. Dad called OB,  mom called lola t, her mom.  Ready, set, go! She was ready to go thru this alone,  good ms. amy told her that the hospital doesn't allow daddy's at the OR. Mommy was monitoring her cramps.. not to worry she had plenty of time,  having the knowledge that tita l had time to travel from las pinas years back when my cousin n was about to be delivered.  cool.. First one hour at the hospital was just sitting around.  BP checks and preparations for the procedure. Slow was the pace,  even